Tyler Moore's theme and video tutorials saved me hours of learning wordpress and imagining a beautiful design. We warmly recommend all his knowledge and ready-made solutions. His site is updated regularly. You will find him here

The fantastic Beaver Builder plugin saved me thousands of hours of coding which I suspect I would even never be able to learn/understand.

The home  is from Shutterstock

For the other pictures, we used either our own pictures or free pictures from unsplash. The BLOG picture is from Hasbara fellowship. The CMS picture is from Baitalrayan. I bought all Time management pictures from Shutterstock.

For the Linkedin and Facebook logo's we used this:

Interface And Social graphic by Icons8 from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker

For the RSS logo: graphic by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker